Widows & Widowers

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Updated: September 7, 2022





In addition to orphans, OIH also reaches out to the widows and widowers - another neglected group in the community - by providing their basic needs for food and clothing. This gives us an opportunity to meet their spiritual need, turning their despair into hope.

 These four ladies walked for at least 2 hours to reach the OIH center where we set up a clinic in the OIH’s small church.





A man works in the field, harvesting the few peanuts he had planted in someone’s property and hoping they would last a little longer to sustain himself for the next few weeks. See our Feeding Program









Wilgis Justin, a.k.a.Tigis by his friends is one of OIH’s sponsored children. His grandmother, a widow, takes care of him but is unable to provide enough food for him daily. OIH not only provides the basic needs for Wilgis and his grandmother, such as food and clothing, but OIH, through sponsorship, provides free education and shares God’s love to Wilgis.